Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Who was that in the mirror?

So I have been blessed with a high metabolism all my life.  Which means I have been about the same size since high school.  Sometime a little more fit, but always the same general size.  I typically have always weighed between 105 and 110.  Now that I am pregnant I weigh a little more :) which I feel no negative feelings towards at all;  it is just a big shock when I walk past the mirror and have to do a double take.  
It has taken some getting used to... especially with only 3 weeks to go!!! I seriously feel like I stuffed a balloon or soccer ball under my shirt.
I am weighing in around 130 lbs. And my dr says that is a good gain for me.  I know they were worried at my previous hospital (we changed because our labor and delivery area closed down) due to my gestational diabetes that I might gain a lot, but I have managed it with my diet.  (I need to do a blog about my gestational diabetes experience).  Going from where I was to where I am now does make me pause in front of the mirror, it catches my attention every time.   I just pause and think...

Who is that in the mirror? 

That is a soon to be (kinda already am) new momma!  Full of joy thinking of her anticipated blessing.  A new momma anxious to meet her baby SMoore!  A daughter of God ready to experience a new kind of love; ready to experience a miracle. Who is that in my mirror?  A beautiful reminder of God's plan, His timing, and His hand in it all.

I praise Him for it all and look forward to meeting this little one He has designed and He knows very well... even in my womb.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Night Owl

I keep telling my husband that I know I will go into labor at night because Baby SMoore is a night owl.   This isn't a new thing development either... it has been this way the entire pregnancy.   Early on I would just wake up throughout the night.  Then as the baby grew and I noticed more movement it was like there was a nightly dance party in my tummy.   Seriously.... the only way I can explain it is like being on a continuous roller coaster.   That feeling in your stomach when you drop down the big hill... every night around 3 or 4 am!  Now that I am 35 weeks pregnant there is little space for all that moving, but I get kicks and jabs and still at 4am.  Just another amazing reminder that my blessing is there.  I have grown to love my 4am moments with Baby SMoore and can only imagine what it will be like to hold my SMoore at 4am :)  I praise God for the night owl and thank Him for blessing me with this journey.