Monday, July 22, 2013

Back or Belly or Side?

Baby SMoore is a belly sleeper through and through... On rare occasion he will take a 5 minute nap on his back, but then he wiggles himself awake.

I know "don't let them sleep on their tummy!!!". I understand the risk of SIDS and trust me I check this boy every 10 minutes. However, here's the deal... We tried back sleeping, we tried swaddling, we tried it all; and the conclusion was that he is like mommy and daddy. He is a tummy sleeper. And now that he can lift his head and move it around (which he does multiple times during a nap) I don't feel 'as' worried.  Here is the other "no no", he sleeps in our bed at night. What can I say, we are risk takers, but really, it makes my life easier!  With him in bed with me I can check him throughout the night without getting up, nurse more frequently with ease, and the morning snuggles are the best.  I know eventually we will need to move him into his own bed, but for now this works for us.  Everyone is a lot happier and less sleep deprived in the morning. 
We have a tummy sleeping snuggle bug and I will soak it all in while I can.  What are you? A tummy sleeper? Side sleeper? Back sleeper? Leave me a comment below.

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