Thursday, July 18, 2013


My little baby SMoore is growing up so much! He is 101 days old today and I can hardly believe it. I adore him so much!  We have officially strolled out of newborn phase and into infant.  I say this because he can control his neck really well, has begun rolling tummy to back, can pull his toy to his mouth, and has said mama. That's right... He says mama!  I don't expect you to believe me because I don't have it on video yet, but it usually comes out when he is super tired and desperate to nurse to sleep.
It breaks my heart to hear his little crying mama sound, but I embrace every moment he needs me. I know time is fleeting and soon enough he will not need me nearly as much.  Already he is becoming more independent; more able to self soothe.  I love seeing him mature, but remember to stay in the moment and soak in all the snuggles I can.
Make sure you live in the moment today and reflect on what's bright. Take every snuggle you can get from your kids or grandkids.

Sorry I hadn't been on top of my blog during the newborn stage; I worked full time and well, had a newborn. I plan to go back and cover what I missed. I have notes and drafts... Just need to date them and post them.  So keep checking in.

1 comment:

  1. You are right. It seems like yesterday. .. and so on, said the old lady. Love and miss you all. ♡♥
