Monday, March 24, 2014

Back from my hiatious

Sorry guys!
I've been selfish and we have a lot to catch up on!
We moved to California, we lived in our RV, our little guy is almost 1, and I am starting to work on a couple projects/tasks God gave me years ago.

This blog post is to explain why I've been distant (we'll cover the other things at a later date).

Becoming a new mom is tough, moving across country is tough, living in an RV is tough, working your butt off and still struggling to buy groceries is tough.... all that at once is a test on ones limits and to be honest embarassing.  I didn't want to share with you in the moment what was going on.  I wanted to have my act together,  I wanted the pretty pictures,  and I wanted something positive to say.

But things are better and I am excited to share with you.  I am ready to reflect on those hard moments and see the lessons I learned.  For example, I will never be upset to do laundry in my own home again, especially since it won't require 14 quarters each load.

So get ready for lots of catching up posts, a few diy, and more.  Get ready for lots of photos too!!!

Forgive me for my distance and for feeling like I had to have it all together for you.  I'll stay real and keep it raw because we all have ups and downs!

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