Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Picking a name...

What a task if you really think about it... We get to decide what this human is to be called. Forever.  Legally. Talk about pressure!

I knew if we had a boy we would name him Drake, because we were married on Drake's beach in California and the name was so unique... But other than that we were clueless.

We had multiple girl names picked out, but decided that we would have to meet her (if in deed we were to have a her) before we could name her.  I love the name Naomi due to the Biblical character.

So as my due date approached I felt more and more stress about tge name... I prayed intensely that God would provide a perfect name because He already knew our baby.

Shortly after amen I heard the name Finnegan in my head... I knew God had given that to me. So the boys name was decided... Drake Finnegan... which means dragon fair.

The girls names we like are: Naomi, Elise, Elizabeth, Clementine, Alice, and a few more... But no for sure names yet... Keep you updated!

Can hardly wait to meet this little baby SMoore!

*written during 3rd trimester... Posted later due to lack of organization on my part*

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