Friday, June 14, 2013

Debut of Baby SMoore

April 8, 2013
The day my life changed once more. I obtained a new title and discovered a new love.

*warning this is the birth story... may get graphic*

3:50 am - I woke up like I usually do and had to pee.  Went to the bathroom,  sat down, a shppsh... a gush of water. This immediately pulled me out of my sleepy state.  I looked down and saw the plug and meconium (not good)
3:55 am - I tell Jonathan (who had only been aslerp for 1.5 hrs) that I thought my water broke and I needed to call the DR. 
4:00 am I finally get through all the automated stuff and explain to the nurse what had happened.   Right as she asked if I was sure my water broke, another gush came... "yep, it broke".  She says she will page my DR/midwife
4:05 am My midwife calls me back. Itell her about my water and the meconium.  She tells me to try to go back to sleep after timing my contractions, but to call her if I can't feel the baby move.  She says, "you are going to have a baby today!"

So Jon helps me keep track of my contractions.  They start to become more painful and are every 2 minutes on the dot.  After a half hour I hadn't felt baby smoore,  so I called my midwife back.  Around 4:30am she said to come on in.

4:30am we loaded up the car and hit the road, because our new delivery hospital was about 40minutes away. 
Since the hospital wasn't truly open when we got there we had to enter the emergency area. They explained how to get to labor and delivery and before we know it I am on the elevator... that is when it hit me! "We are going to become parents today".
About 5:30am we were checked in and waiting in our room for the nurse.
The rest of the details are a little eh on time because it all happened so fast.
Shift change happened at 6:00am so I don't really recall my original nurse, but I did get checked and my water had indeed broken and I was already dialated 2 and effaced about 20%.  My contractions were still 2minutes apart, and getting stronger!  A few hours pass and I had met the nurse who would help deliver baby SMoore.  Her name was Stacey and she was awesome! My midwife had come checked on me and said it eould be a long day.  Stacey checked me again around 10am because I kept having the urge to push!  I was 10cm and ready to go!!!!

My midwife came, the on call pediatrician came, and we were ready to go!  I pushed a few times and my midwife said wait you aren't full dialated, yet.... you are only 6cm.   Boy was that disappointing.   So she told me to get into the shower and try to relax.  Around 1pm they gave me an iv with a little bit of medicine to help me relax to allow my body to dialate.  This required me to stay in bed and on my side.  My contractions were still every 2 minutes,  but they lasted about a minute and were very intense.  My midwife checked me at 1:30pm and I was really 10cm now!  Time to push she said!  The whole team came back (my midwife, my 2 nurses, blood nurse bc diabetes, pediatrician,  and baby nurse because of the meconium)

I was so happy to be pushing knowing contractions would end! I pushed and pushed and pushed.  I think it only took maybe 4 rounds of pushing (was about 20 minutes) and our baby SMoore had arrived! 

We were so full of joy! The baby cried right away, peed on me, and then started nursing.  The pediatrician actually left because all was well.  Then we looked.... it was a BOY!

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