Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What a secret to keep…

Jonathan and I kept our little SMoore a secret for almost 3 months!!!  I know… we should be in the CIA.  The only people that knew were the doctors, nurses, pregnancy care center ladies, and my boss {because I am a fitness trainer and it is a liability}.

I wanted to announce it to family and a few close friends before social media took over.  I didn’t want to choose who I told first either… so we planned to mail out our announcement with a little packaged s’more kit {2 mini graham crackers, a small chocolate bar, and a marshmallow}.   
This was our announcement stapled to the top of the s'more kit.  I also put an ultrasound picture on the back.

This way everyone got the same announcement, mailed the same day, and it was up to the USPS to decide who got theirs first.  I had tracking on everyone’s so I would know when they were to arrive.  I decided that when Jonathan’s family in California got theirs I would give my mom hers {in her church mailbox}.  My dad happened to be going out of town randomly that week, so I figured I would have to call him when everyone else found out.

My sister, brother-in-law, and niece were the first to get theirs.  {They only live 3 hours away}  She sent me the cutest picture of my niece ‘eating’ her cousin’s {baby SMoore} picture.  The next day more family members received theirs and there was a fantastic sigh of relief.  No more secret! 

We decided to go out to eat with my grandparents to tell them; partially because I wanted to see their reaction and partially because I didn’t know if they would understand the announcement or why we had mailed it to them.  We ate dinner at a local hot spot and before dessert we gave them their ‘gift’.  I told them it was a late Grandparents’ day present and my granddad opened it.  He said, “Oh… a s’more…” and handed it to my grandma.  She actually read it and then said, “thanks” and sat it down.  Daddy SMoore and I laughed and said look at the back {which was where the ultrasound picture was}… it took a few minutes and then they got excited!

Each person reacted joyfully and called us to tell us how excited they were.  Over all it was a great way for us to announce our bundle of Baby SMoore!  Finally when everyone knew… we announced it on social media with a few pictures:

Teal is my favorite color and a big part of our neutral baby theme.


We LOVE Disney!

Again, everyone seemed joyful and happy for us.  Knowing that God was in control and that this was truly blessing of His timing.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Food… sometimes I love you and sometimes I hate you.

If you are a pear, apple, or peach I could each 100 of you.
If you are a Popsicle I have eaten 100 of you {in fact I am eating one right now}.
I go through a salad phase about once every 2 weeks and on the rare occasion I really want a chocolate chip cookie.  My biggest unfulfilled craving is for a chili and cheese hot dog.  While I had horrible morning sickness, I would only be able to eat baked potatoes, potato salad {mom’s}, and tator tots.

My mom’s potato salad was my most consistent craving & I made quite a few batches. 
It consists of potatoes, hard boiled eggs, mayo, and mustard.  That is it… easy enough.

Onions are my enemy… and garlic… these two things repulsed me and still do.
Those are really the only things that nauseated me.

Nothing really strange yet. 

The weirdest thing is that before I was pregnant I was lactose intolerant, but now I crave glasses of milk and can drink them without consequences.  I guess pregnancy is my cure to my lactose intolerance.  And thank you Lord, because a big glass of milk is so yummy.

I am so grateful that my cravings are not bizarre… I have heard stories of people craving dirt, chalk, or clay.  So for bland is my friend; the plainer the food the better.

I love the smell of coffee, especially Starbucks coffee; good thing Daddy SMoore works at Starbucks and comes home smelling like it often.  I don’t want to drink coffee.  I don’t like it and don’t think I ever will; but the smell is so nice to me.

I am curious to see what happens now that my appetite is swiftly returning.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Daddy SMoore’s Turn

After my experience with the ultrasound I wanted to do it again {I would everyday if I could}.  So the fact that the Pregnancy Care Center offered free ones on occasion (to train nurses) and the fact that I had already had mine set up was great.  I knew that Daddy SMoore had to make this one though.  I called and confirmed the date and time set up; then I let Daddy SMoore know when to ask off work and all things were a GO.

This ultrasound was a little different… you have to go to the training ultrasounds with a FULL, bursting at the seams, bladder.  I believe it helps the sound waves bounce off and show a better image.  My ultrasound was scheduled in the morning; which was probably not the bestest of ideas.  I had to be up by 7:00am to drink the LARGE amount of water before the 9:00am appointment.  Well I got halfway through and my lovely morning sickness kicked in.  There went that 20 minutes of drinking water.  I tried to start over and chugged the other half.  It was time to go and my bladder was FULL to the brim.

We had to drive separately because Daddy SMoore had work right afterwards.  I drove carefully so not to hit the bumps, because I was in pain.  All for the love of seeing the Baby SMoore right?  Again I arrived to that nice cottage and was greeted with that oh so calming waterfall… pure torture for a pregnant woman with a full bladder not allowed to use the restroom.  A different lady greeted me this time and she took me back to the ultrasound room.  They would do some lessons and time with just me before bringing my husband into the room.  I guess this helps keep the pressure off during training. 

She went through all the different steps and looked at a multitude of things.  My ‘favorite’ part was when the lady being trained tried to find the heartbeat, would find it, and Baby SMoore would move.  I say ‘favorite’ lightly because remember I had a full bladder and was about done after 5 minutes J

FINALLY! We were done with the training and Daddy SMoore was ushered into the room to join us.  We held hands as they displayed our little Baby SMoore on the screen.  He finally got to hear the heartbeat and see all the movements.  It was a joyfilled experience.  I cried again, as would become a common thing.  Daddy SMoore seemed overwhelmed by the experience, no tears, but pure joy and praise.

Pictures were printed {about 10 of them} and I was released to the restroom!!! Oh boy happy Momma SMoore!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Star of the day

Ultrasound day!!! Ultrasound day!!! 
It was the day for my first ultrasound! And again I had no idea what to expect.
I had seen the Hollywood version of the ultrasound on television, 
but it is so different when it is YOUR stomach they are placing that 'wand' on. 
A few days before this day I had my appointment and they were not able to hear the heartbeat so I was a little anxious to see my tiny Baby SMoore.  
I was ushered into the ultrasound room at my doctor's office.
It was barely lit & there was the typical ultrasound machine next to the 'bed'.
The nurse said "Wow you are tiny; this should be simple.  Go ahead and lay down."
She got out the lovely and always chilly jelly for my stomach and there it was…
my baby…
right there on the screen
The nurse did her usual measurements and checks to ensure all was well.
I was measuring correctly & my little Baby SMoore was already moving around.
 Daddy SMoore was at his 2nd day of a new job & wasn't able to by there; 
so I recorded the heartbeat for him to hear later.
The entire process was fast, but so moving. 
It totally becomes so real when you actually SEE your child.  I will admit that I didn’t cry… until I got to my car and listened to the heartbeat again. 
I am grateful for the technology today that allowed me to have this experience.
Here are some photos from my little star of the day:

*now my hubby did miss the first ultrasound, but my second one at the Pregnancy Care Center was coming up in a week or so and he actually had the day off*