Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Daddy SMoore’s Turn

After my experience with the ultrasound I wanted to do it again {I would everyday if I could}.  So the fact that the Pregnancy Care Center offered free ones on occasion (to train nurses) and the fact that I had already had mine set up was great.  I knew that Daddy SMoore had to make this one though.  I called and confirmed the date and time set up; then I let Daddy SMoore know when to ask off work and all things were a GO.

This ultrasound was a little different… you have to go to the training ultrasounds with a FULL, bursting at the seams, bladder.  I believe it helps the sound waves bounce off and show a better image.  My ultrasound was scheduled in the morning; which was probably not the bestest of ideas.  I had to be up by 7:00am to drink the LARGE amount of water before the 9:00am appointment.  Well I got halfway through and my lovely morning sickness kicked in.  There went that 20 minutes of drinking water.  I tried to start over and chugged the other half.  It was time to go and my bladder was FULL to the brim.

We had to drive separately because Daddy SMoore had work right afterwards.  I drove carefully so not to hit the bumps, because I was in pain.  All for the love of seeing the Baby SMoore right?  Again I arrived to that nice cottage and was greeted with that oh so calming waterfall… pure torture for a pregnant woman with a full bladder not allowed to use the restroom.  A different lady greeted me this time and she took me back to the ultrasound room.  They would do some lessons and time with just me before bringing my husband into the room.  I guess this helps keep the pressure off during training. 

She went through all the different steps and looked at a multitude of things.  My ‘favorite’ part was when the lady being trained tried to find the heartbeat, would find it, and Baby SMoore would move.  I say ‘favorite’ lightly because remember I had a full bladder and was about done after 5 minutes J

FINALLY! We were done with the training and Daddy SMoore was ushered into the room to join us.  We held hands as they displayed our little Baby SMoore on the screen.  He finally got to hear the heartbeat and see all the movements.  It was a joyfilled experience.  I cried again, as would become a common thing.  Daddy SMoore seemed overwhelmed by the experience, no tears, but pure joy and praise.

Pictures were printed {about 10 of them} and I was released to the restroom!!! Oh boy happy Momma SMoore!

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