Saturday, November 17, 2012

A "Planned" Child

"Awww... Congratulations!  Were you guys trying?" 
- the typical response when we told people we were pregnant


"Trying" isn't the T word I would use...
Let me tell you the story of how Baby SMoore even became a topic in our language.. and how Baby SMoore was "planned".  We for sure weren't "trying" in any sense of the word "trying", but we weren't preventing anything either.
We were, what I would call, trusting that God had "planned" our child and that Baby SMoore would be a part of our life when God "planned" it to happen.


We weren't always this free... willy nilly about the topic of being parents.  Actually, when we first had gotten married we decided that we wanted to spend 5 years getting to know each other.  We wanted 5 years to strengthen ourselves as husband and wife; as well as Christians.  We were cautious in many senses.  We even spent time in prayer - we trusted God, but also knew that there were steps we had to take "ensure" the plan of 5 years.


You will learn more about our love story in the next few weeks; and all about our first few years of marriage.  But we will start when things in our lives took us to Florida and the avid Disney lovers in us said:
"when in Florida - buy annual passes"
We went all the time... at least 2 times a month.  It was a 2 hour drive both directions for us, but it was a BLAST!  Every trip we were immersed in our reminders of our own childhoods... all the joys of all those animated characters, lessons they taught us, and the pure "joy" of being a child again.
At first I don't think we even noticed all the tiny people around us.  We were so enthralled in our own childhood reminders; we didn't even notice all the children gleefully running around.  


Then one day... we were in line for the Thunder Railroad and Jonathan was observing a father and his daughter interact.  The little girl was so excited, but you could see a smidget of fear in her eyes.  Her dad was encouraging her and making jokes - taking her mind off her thoughts of fear.  After observing for a few minutes Jonathan turned to me and said, "maybe we should have a kid".
I teared up... I don't really know why, but it was a bit of an 'AhHa' moment.  One in which I realized - this is my husband - the future dad of my/our kids.


So the mention of Baby SMoore began.  

And the 5 year plan began to shorten...

{I don't know why I am holding my breath and making that face
I guess it is my rockstar face *note to self* work on new rockstar face}


So this 'mention' kinda stalled there.  
We didn't change our routines. 
We didn't even really talk about it again... for a while.

Let's fast forward to when we no longer had our Disney passes (sad times I know) and moved to Indiana.  I am going to be honest with you: 2 factors really led the discussion of a Baby SMoore entering our lives and they are random.
1. We went to a Flea Market with my family and Jonathan spotted a really cool Winnie the Pooh print for the wall - Disney nostalgia.  
He said, "Hey, this is cool.  We should get this for when we have kids." 
{again my heart melted and the thought sparked in our heads}
2. {not as adorable as #1.}  Where we live in Indiana the closest Target with a pharmacy was 35 - 45 minutes away.  The time came when I had to pick up my prescription and I really didn't want to drive that far.  So out of my selfishness the conversation of TRUSTing God began.  We decided we wouldn't "try" for a Baby SMoore, but we would no longer prevent it.  We would simply TRUST that God had planned our baby and He would bless us with getting pregnant when He deemed it the time. I am grateful for the Lord & know His timing is perfect.


So the trusting began!

story continues soon

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mama SMore!
    What a super sweet story about how this baby came to be :) I can't wait to have another little person like my brother. I KNOW you two will be the most fun and loving parents any kid could have!
    Love you both!
    Aunt Brie
    PS...Can't wait to read more!!
