Monday, November 19, 2012

I knew it... maybe even day one

Not sure if you know much about pregnancy applications on smart phones, but there is one you can use to remind you to take your medication, record your cycle, and it shows you what days you are most "fertile".  Well I had that application... and used it daily to remind me to take my medication; then, after the TRUST God talk, I just looked at it on occasion.  Now every month we happened to avoid the MOST "fertile" day of the month. However, sometimes things happen and it just falls on that day...  Too Much Info... sorry. 

A few days later, I looked at the app on my phone.  I realized 'oh dear' and 'oh well' at the same time.  Remember... we are trusting God.  Some time passed and I knew... I just knew.  It was the first day you could get a positive on the test and I had that feeling {not nausea, yet}.  I went to the dollar store and found a pregnancy test {I read online that they were just as accurate as the $8 tests}.  I stopped by the church to tell Jonathan what I bought, what I thought, and what I was going to do {he was helping set up for a water party for the youth group}.  He told me okay and that he would see me at home.

I made it home and went straight to the bathroom to see if my hunch was accurate.  I opened the box, read the directions thoroughly, and proceeded to follow them.  The directions said it could take 3 minutes... well mine was more like 3 seconds.  The moment it reached the box, those 2 lines were revealed.  And that was a resounding  'YES! You will be having a Baby SMoore.'  I pondered how to tell Jonathan - should I tell him in a cute way, should I text him, should I wait until he asks???  I googled "ways to tell your husband you are pregnant"  nothing seemed to fit our style... then he pulled into the driveway.  I was on the couch folding laundry and pondering what to do.  When he got into the house I asked him how the event went.  He proceeded to tell me all about it.  Then I just had to blurt it out, "Jonathan, guess what? I am pregnant!"  He seemed shocked! And replied, "Really?! That was fast." 
{I had only been off my medication for about 2 months at this point}

 The rest of the night was kind of a blur.  We discussed when to tell people {decided after the 12th week - which was a LONG wait}.  Then we snuggled on the couch and watched television; both pondering the fact that we were going to be parents... that we were parents to a little Baby SMoore growing inside me.  Also remembering that God's timing was perfect and He knew and planned this little one.   

I set to work the next day - applying for insurance and finding a doctor.  Little did I know God had chosen the doctor for me.  I also went to the Pregnancy Care Center in our area to get a nurse to officially say I was pregnant for my pre-approval for insurance.  But that is another story for another day - and it is funny and interesting the events that happened there - it proves God's hand was/is in this the entire time.  

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