Friday, November 23, 2012

Nauseatingly Thankful

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and also my 19th week of pregnancy!  We have almost made it halfway and already I have experienced a whole slue of different things.  Pregnancy is an adventurous journey and I am so blessed to be able to enjoy it!

The next week or so, I want to get my written pregnancy journal typed out onto this blog so that I can write my more up-to-date experiences.  Also, I think I would like to post my weekly baby bump pictures for you all to enjoy {it is finally growing}.

Currently I am in my second trimester and it is great for the most part; but part of me misses that first trimester.  I know you experienced mommas are thinking I am crazy, but I grew to “love” my nausea; I was truly thankful for it.  Now don’t get me wrong, I hated the throwing up part… and I did that a lot.  What I grew to “love” about it was the fact that each morning {and sometimes all day} I was reminded that I had a bundle of joy growing inside of me.  It was an interruption in my day that made me stop and think ‘WOW – what a blessing – I am going to be a momma – I am a momma’.   I liked that interruption, but now I can go throughout my day, unless Baby SMoore is moving around a lot, without getting a reminder until I pass a mirror {which is happening more frequently as my bladder is getting sat on and compressed into a tiny space}.  I am sure as this little one grows I will feel it more and be stretched a little more and even simple tasks will remind me.  Right now though, I miss those morning reminders of my blessing!

Now when you mention to a veteran momma that you have morning sickness the advice comes spilling out.  All their stories and remedies are offered to you without a second thought.  Sometimes they even spend the time to tell you their entire pregnancy experience.  I think I would as well because this adventure is so encouraging and adventurous.  One wants to share all the tips they can when they meet another person attempting to climb the Mt. Everest you previously climbed. It is this very thing that inspired my entry for tomorrow. 

Hope you all had a great holiday!   Remember to have fun today as you shop!

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