Monday, November 19, 2012

Pregnancy Care Center Coincidence

Our town has a cute little Pregnancy Care Center {more like a cottage} that happened to be right next door to the place I was working at the time.  I drove past this place every day and never gave it a second thought.  Not once did I think I would ever step foot in the door.  However, after my positive test on Sunday, I longed for a more official “Yes” and for help with obtaining the correct insurance.  So Monday morning I got up, looked up the hours, and called to see when I could come in.  She said to stop on by and she would meet with me.  I was so out of my element and still on the bubble of anxiety and joy that the entire experience was a little nerve racking.

I pulled up to the cottage, opened my door, and wondered up to the front door {thinking the entire time ‘I hope no one sees my car and gets suspicious’}.  As I open the door I am greeted with a quaint atmosphere.  There is a relaxing lighting in the room and a peaceful little waterfall on the desk.  I am taking in the environment and enjoying the smell of vanilla when I hear “I will be with you in a moment”.  Within seconds an adorable older woman walks around the corner, slightly flustered, and apologizing for the ‘mess’.  She explains that the basement had flooded and that the repair men were there today.  We exchange the usual hellos and I explain myself; then she whisks me into the other room to sit down.  She tells me a nurse is the person that must give the ‘official’ pregnancy test and we would have to see when the nurse could meet with me.  She calls the nurse, who happens to be free and about 5 minutes away, to come and administer my test.  “OH JOY!!!! This never happens.  Usually girls have to come back to meet with the nurse!” – the older woman was so excited for me.  During the wait I was kept busy filling out paperwork and small talking about life.  There wasn't a moment to even think breath and take in the moment before the nurse arrives and quickly gets me to take the test.  {things seemed to move quickly and full of excitement in this cottage}.  I take the test and walk out to let them know I am done.  The nurse tells me it could take 3-5 minutes for results… I explained to her that it already said positive {again in about 3 seconds}.  There was no question – I was blessed with our little SMoore.  Both the nurse and older lady were so shocked at the speed in which my test was positive that they almost were in disbelief.  We then sat down and talked about my options for insurance, what the estimated due date was, and we scheduled an ultrasound!  Things got so real and exciting!  Little did I know that my ultrasound (done quite a few weeks later) would wined up in the hands of my family doctor {who I had wished was my OBGYN} that had moved to Belize for 2 years.  God had provided a way for her to still be a part of my pregnancy, as she has access and reviews that location’s ultrasounds.  

That little cottage, so quaint from the outside, was a place of joy and coincidence for me.  It was the place Jonathan first saw our Baby SMoore, the place I got the official "Yes!", and the place I got complete reassurance that God was and is a complete part of our blessing.  


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