Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Of course the moment I found out we were pregnant I cracked open my "What To Expect When You Are Expecting" book to see what I had laying ahead of me.  If you know me, you know that my number one skill is learning (I actually took a test to find my strengths and my number one was LEARNER).  I thrive on learning... could explain why I have had so many jobs.  I love learning new skills.  Anywho... I read only as far as the first month (didn't want to get too ahead of myself) and I added the app on my phone - this way I am blessed with a little daily knowledge.  
Something I read about and knew a little already about was SACRIFICE or "giving up things".  This has been an interesting experience throughout every stage of pregnancy.  It was easy at first... I mean for me and my discipline it is easy to cut foods and caffeine... and I wasn't partaking in multiple other things already (alcohol and smoking).  There are the occasional days when I really want a big fat sweet tea from the golden arches or a nice chilli cheese hotdog, but it is better to avoid those for my growing Baby SMoore.  
There were, and still are, somethings that I have a harder time SACRIFICING:
  • no roller coasters - AH!  we had planned to go to multiple local theme parks this fall (one being all roller coasters), but then I realized I wouldn't be able to ride anything.  Say it isn't so... there was now a limitation on me thrill rides!  Not only that - I had to miss out on the rock climbing tower at the Halloween Festival down the road from us.  I am an avid lover of all things daring so this was a sad, but necessary SACRIFICE.
  • independence - Yes... my independence!  I am a strong woman and I like things to be done when I want them to be done... and I will do it myself most of the time.  But lately I have learned that the dresser weighs more than a grocery bag... and the doctor said I can only carry things that weigh a grocery bag full or less. SO that dresser that I want moved NOW will have to wait to be moved when my husband is home.  And that paint that I so badly want on the wall so I can start organizing the babies things... That will have to wait until my husband 'wants' to paint it.  This SACRIFICE of my independence could be the hardest one yet.  
  • moving - our plan was to move in November to Colorado Springs... and we would have, but jobs weren't coming through and with a baby on the way one must really be a grownup and think about a lot more.  We couldn't just pack up a car full, head to CO, and see what happens.  We realized we couldn't do that with a baby on the way... we needed more stability.  Plus my insurance is local and through the state... meaning if we moved we would be dealing with another mess of issues.  So, for now, this SACRIFICE of willynilly moving is on hold and in God's hands.  Daddy SMoore is actually hoping for a promotion and Momma SMoore is working on somethings to be able to work from home.  I know God will take care of this area.
  • fitness training - I currently am a fitness trainer, but am fast realizing there are limitations on the horizon.  I am seeing that I will be needing to step down from some classes and let another person take over (which means less money for us).  I love all my classes and adore my students, but understand that Baby SMoore needs me to take it easy and SLOW down
I am sure there are more SACRIFICES, but these were the most pressing on my heart when I wrote this.  All these are easy to make to ensure healthy growth and a full term pregnancy.   I adore my Baby SMoore and as the Momma I am okay with these SACRIFICES.  I understand that they are all short term and will be worth it in the end.

VETERAN MOMMAs:  leave me a comment about one or two of your SACRIFICES when you were pregnant please.

Blessings and Happy Holiday Season!

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