Wednesday, November 28, 2012

--^--^--^--^-- Can you hear it?

Oh butterflies in my tummy joy!  
The first doctor's appointment.
Never have I been so 'nervous' for a doctor's appointment before.
I had already confirmed that I was pregnant; what reason could I have for being nervous?  I guess not knowing what to expect... this was untouched waters for me.
Step 1: try to complete the MOUNTAIN of paperwork I had just been handed
Step 2: pee in a cup - while you are nervous - in a room 1 foot from where your husband is sitting
Step 3: WAIT to be called back to the room to experience who knows what :-)
I did all those things and just sat there, not playing on my phone, not at all looking pregnant, just pondering the life within me... the little SMoore somewhere in there.
When I heard my name I kinda jumped... as if I had been waiting to go into the principal's office.  Unsure of all the next steps, unsure of the length of time, unsure.
We did the usual weight...108lbs (normal)
height... 5ft 2in (normal)
blood pressure, etc. (normal)
Then I waited for the midwife.  At my doctor's office you get to meet all the people on staff (4) that could potentially deliver your baby.  This way you are not stressed when delivery comes and your doctor is in Cancun on vacation.
The midwife came in and she had a slight German accent which flowed from her mouth very quickly.  She had about 20 minutes to meet with us before she had to go deliver a baby down the hallway!
She covered a multitude of items.  All too many for this nervous Momma to remember.  We did the normal PAP and talked about blood work I would need that day.  *little note* I hate blood work and usually pass out when I get any done.
Then she pulled out a little strange contraption and that lovely cold jelly.
It was time to listen for the heart rate.
I already started to tear up...
"That is your heart rate" she said.
She said I wasn't far enough along, but that was okay.
No concerns to be had. I had a little bit of a concern, but Daddy SMoore reassured me
 Luckily I had scheduled my first ultrasound in a couple days.
I would at least get to see my Baby SMoore.  

That first appointment was so official and so full of information.  They gave me a welcome to the world of being a Momma bag of goodies and I realized - finally some more people know!  Remember we planned not to tell people until we were 12 weeks along, just in case.  Oh and I didn't pass out when they took my blood, but I did get to lay in the awesome recliner and get a cold compress on my neck (I am guessing those prevented the passing out).

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