Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What a secret to keep…

Jonathan and I kept our little SMoore a secret for almost 3 months!!!  I know… we should be in the CIA.  The only people that knew were the doctors, nurses, pregnancy care center ladies, and my boss {because I am a fitness trainer and it is a liability}.

I wanted to announce it to family and a few close friends before social media took over.  I didn’t want to choose who I told first either… so we planned to mail out our announcement with a little packaged s’more kit {2 mini graham crackers, a small chocolate bar, and a marshmallow}.   
This was our announcement stapled to the top of the s'more kit.  I also put an ultrasound picture on the back.

This way everyone got the same announcement, mailed the same day, and it was up to the USPS to decide who got theirs first.  I had tracking on everyone’s so I would know when they were to arrive.  I decided that when Jonathan’s family in California got theirs I would give my mom hers {in her church mailbox}.  My dad happened to be going out of town randomly that week, so I figured I would have to call him when everyone else found out.

My sister, brother-in-law, and niece were the first to get theirs.  {They only live 3 hours away}  She sent me the cutest picture of my niece ‘eating’ her cousin’s {baby SMoore} picture.  The next day more family members received theirs and there was a fantastic sigh of relief.  No more secret! 

We decided to go out to eat with my grandparents to tell them; partially because I wanted to see their reaction and partially because I didn’t know if they would understand the announcement or why we had mailed it to them.  We ate dinner at a local hot spot and before dessert we gave them their ‘gift’.  I told them it was a late Grandparents’ day present and my granddad opened it.  He said, “Oh… a s’more…” and handed it to my grandma.  She actually read it and then said, “thanks” and sat it down.  Daddy SMoore and I laughed and said look at the back {which was where the ultrasound picture was}… it took a few minutes and then they got excited!

Each person reacted joyfully and called us to tell us how excited they were.  Over all it was a great way for us to announce our bundle of Baby SMoore!  Finally when everyone knew… we announced it on social media with a few pictures:

Teal is my favorite color and a big part of our neutral baby theme.


We LOVE Disney!

Again, everyone seemed joyful and happy for us.  Knowing that God was in control and that this was truly blessing of His timing.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Food… sometimes I love you and sometimes I hate you.

If you are a pear, apple, or peach I could each 100 of you.
If you are a Popsicle I have eaten 100 of you {in fact I am eating one right now}.
I go through a salad phase about once every 2 weeks and on the rare occasion I really want a chocolate chip cookie.  My biggest unfulfilled craving is for a chili and cheese hot dog.  While I had horrible morning sickness, I would only be able to eat baked potatoes, potato salad {mom’s}, and tator tots.

My mom’s potato salad was my most consistent craving & I made quite a few batches. 
It consists of potatoes, hard boiled eggs, mayo, and mustard.  That is it… easy enough.

Onions are my enemy… and garlic… these two things repulsed me and still do.
Those are really the only things that nauseated me.

Nothing really strange yet. 

The weirdest thing is that before I was pregnant I was lactose intolerant, but now I crave glasses of milk and can drink them without consequences.  I guess pregnancy is my cure to my lactose intolerance.  And thank you Lord, because a big glass of milk is so yummy.

I am so grateful that my cravings are not bizarre… I have heard stories of people craving dirt, chalk, or clay.  So for bland is my friend; the plainer the food the better.

I love the smell of coffee, especially Starbucks coffee; good thing Daddy SMoore works at Starbucks and comes home smelling like it often.  I don’t want to drink coffee.  I don’t like it and don’t think I ever will; but the smell is so nice to me.

I am curious to see what happens now that my appetite is swiftly returning.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Daddy SMoore’s Turn

After my experience with the ultrasound I wanted to do it again {I would everyday if I could}.  So the fact that the Pregnancy Care Center offered free ones on occasion (to train nurses) and the fact that I had already had mine set up was great.  I knew that Daddy SMoore had to make this one though.  I called and confirmed the date and time set up; then I let Daddy SMoore know when to ask off work and all things were a GO.

This ultrasound was a little different… you have to go to the training ultrasounds with a FULL, bursting at the seams, bladder.  I believe it helps the sound waves bounce off and show a better image.  My ultrasound was scheduled in the morning; which was probably not the bestest of ideas.  I had to be up by 7:00am to drink the LARGE amount of water before the 9:00am appointment.  Well I got halfway through and my lovely morning sickness kicked in.  There went that 20 minutes of drinking water.  I tried to start over and chugged the other half.  It was time to go and my bladder was FULL to the brim.

We had to drive separately because Daddy SMoore had work right afterwards.  I drove carefully so not to hit the bumps, because I was in pain.  All for the love of seeing the Baby SMoore right?  Again I arrived to that nice cottage and was greeted with that oh so calming waterfall… pure torture for a pregnant woman with a full bladder not allowed to use the restroom.  A different lady greeted me this time and she took me back to the ultrasound room.  They would do some lessons and time with just me before bringing my husband into the room.  I guess this helps keep the pressure off during training. 

She went through all the different steps and looked at a multitude of things.  My ‘favorite’ part was when the lady being trained tried to find the heartbeat, would find it, and Baby SMoore would move.  I say ‘favorite’ lightly because remember I had a full bladder and was about done after 5 minutes J

FINALLY! We were done with the training and Daddy SMoore was ushered into the room to join us.  We held hands as they displayed our little Baby SMoore on the screen.  He finally got to hear the heartbeat and see all the movements.  It was a joyfilled experience.  I cried again, as would become a common thing.  Daddy SMoore seemed overwhelmed by the experience, no tears, but pure joy and praise.

Pictures were printed {about 10 of them} and I was released to the restroom!!! Oh boy happy Momma SMoore!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Star of the day

Ultrasound day!!! Ultrasound day!!! 
It was the day for my first ultrasound! And again I had no idea what to expect.
I had seen the Hollywood version of the ultrasound on television, 
but it is so different when it is YOUR stomach they are placing that 'wand' on. 
A few days before this day I had my appointment and they were not able to hear the heartbeat so I was a little anxious to see my tiny Baby SMoore.  
I was ushered into the ultrasound room at my doctor's office.
It was barely lit & there was the typical ultrasound machine next to the 'bed'.
The nurse said "Wow you are tiny; this should be simple.  Go ahead and lay down."
She got out the lovely and always chilly jelly for my stomach and there it was…
my baby…
right there on the screen
The nurse did her usual measurements and checks to ensure all was well.
I was measuring correctly & my little Baby SMoore was already moving around.
 Daddy SMoore was at his 2nd day of a new job & wasn't able to by there; 
so I recorded the heartbeat for him to hear later.
The entire process was fast, but so moving. 
It totally becomes so real when you actually SEE your child.  I will admit that I didn’t cry… until I got to my car and listened to the heartbeat again. 
I am grateful for the technology today that allowed me to have this experience.
Here are some photos from my little star of the day:

*now my hubby did miss the first ultrasound, but my second one at the Pregnancy Care Center was coming up in a week or so and he actually had the day off*

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

--^--^--^--^-- Can you hear it?

Oh butterflies in my tummy joy!  
The first doctor's appointment.
Never have I been so 'nervous' for a doctor's appointment before.
I had already confirmed that I was pregnant; what reason could I have for being nervous?  I guess not knowing what to expect... this was untouched waters for me.
Step 1: try to complete the MOUNTAIN of paperwork I had just been handed
Step 2: pee in a cup - while you are nervous - in a room 1 foot from where your husband is sitting
Step 3: WAIT to be called back to the room to experience who knows what :-)
I did all those things and just sat there, not playing on my phone, not at all looking pregnant, just pondering the life within me... the little SMoore somewhere in there.
When I heard my name I kinda jumped... as if I had been waiting to go into the principal's office.  Unsure of all the next steps, unsure of the length of time, unsure.
We did the usual weight...108lbs (normal)
height... 5ft 2in (normal)
blood pressure, etc. (normal)
Then I waited for the midwife.  At my doctor's office you get to meet all the people on staff (4) that could potentially deliver your baby.  This way you are not stressed when delivery comes and your doctor is in Cancun on vacation.
The midwife came in and she had a slight German accent which flowed from her mouth very quickly.  She had about 20 minutes to meet with us before she had to go deliver a baby down the hallway!
She covered a multitude of items.  All too many for this nervous Momma to remember.  We did the normal PAP and talked about blood work I would need that day.  *little note* I hate blood work and usually pass out when I get any done.
Then she pulled out a little strange contraption and that lovely cold jelly.
It was time to listen for the heart rate.
I already started to tear up...
"That is your heart rate" she said.
She said I wasn't far enough along, but that was okay.
No concerns to be had. I had a little bit of a concern, but Daddy SMoore reassured me
 Luckily I had scheduled my first ultrasound in a couple days.
I would at least get to see my Baby SMoore.  

That first appointment was so official and so full of information.  They gave me a welcome to the world of being a Momma bag of goodies and I realized - finally some more people know!  Remember we planned not to tell people until we were 12 weeks along, just in case.  Oh and I didn't pass out when they took my blood, but I did get to lay in the awesome recliner and get a cold compress on my neck (I am guessing those prevented the passing out).


Of course the moment I found out we were pregnant I cracked open my "What To Expect When You Are Expecting" book to see what I had laying ahead of me.  If you know me, you know that my number one skill is learning (I actually took a test to find my strengths and my number one was LEARNER).  I thrive on learning... could explain why I have had so many jobs.  I love learning new skills.  Anywho... I read only as far as the first month (didn't want to get too ahead of myself) and I added the app on my phone - this way I am blessed with a little daily knowledge.  
Something I read about and knew a little already about was SACRIFICE or "giving up things".  This has been an interesting experience throughout every stage of pregnancy.  It was easy at first... I mean for me and my discipline it is easy to cut foods and caffeine... and I wasn't partaking in multiple other things already (alcohol and smoking).  There are the occasional days when I really want a big fat sweet tea from the golden arches or a nice chilli cheese hotdog, but it is better to avoid those for my growing Baby SMoore.  
There were, and still are, somethings that I have a harder time SACRIFICING:
  • no roller coasters - AH!  we had planned to go to multiple local theme parks this fall (one being all roller coasters), but then I realized I wouldn't be able to ride anything.  Say it isn't so... there was now a limitation on me thrill rides!  Not only that - I had to miss out on the rock climbing tower at the Halloween Festival down the road from us.  I am an avid lover of all things daring so this was a sad, but necessary SACRIFICE.
  • independence - Yes... my independence!  I am a strong woman and I like things to be done when I want them to be done... and I will do it myself most of the time.  But lately I have learned that the dresser weighs more than a grocery bag... and the doctor said I can only carry things that weigh a grocery bag full or less. SO that dresser that I want moved NOW will have to wait to be moved when my husband is home.  And that paint that I so badly want on the wall so I can start organizing the babies things... That will have to wait until my husband 'wants' to paint it.  This SACRIFICE of my independence could be the hardest one yet.  
  • moving - our plan was to move in November to Colorado Springs... and we would have, but jobs weren't coming through and with a baby on the way one must really be a grownup and think about a lot more.  We couldn't just pack up a car full, head to CO, and see what happens.  We realized we couldn't do that with a baby on the way... we needed more stability.  Plus my insurance is local and through the state... meaning if we moved we would be dealing with another mess of issues.  So, for now, this SACRIFICE of willynilly moving is on hold and in God's hands.  Daddy SMoore is actually hoping for a promotion and Momma SMoore is working on somethings to be able to work from home.  I know God will take care of this area.
  • fitness training - I currently am a fitness trainer, but am fast realizing there are limitations on the horizon.  I am seeing that I will be needing to step down from some classes and let another person take over (which means less money for us).  I love all my classes and adore my students, but understand that Baby SMoore needs me to take it easy and SLOW down
I am sure there are more SACRIFICES, but these were the most pressing on my heart when I wrote this.  All these are easy to make to ensure healthy growth and a full term pregnancy.   I adore my Baby SMoore and as the Momma I am okay with these SACRIFICES.  I understand that they are all short term and will be worth it in the end.

VETERAN MOMMAs:  leave me a comment about one or two of your SACRIFICES when you were pregnant please.

Blessings and Happy Holiday Season!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Nauseatingly Thankful

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and also my 19th week of pregnancy!  We have almost made it halfway and already I have experienced a whole slue of different things.  Pregnancy is an adventurous journey and I am so blessed to be able to enjoy it!

The next week or so, I want to get my written pregnancy journal typed out onto this blog so that I can write my more up-to-date experiences.  Also, I think I would like to post my weekly baby bump pictures for you all to enjoy {it is finally growing}.

Currently I am in my second trimester and it is great for the most part; but part of me misses that first trimester.  I know you experienced mommas are thinking I am crazy, but I grew to “love” my nausea; I was truly thankful for it.  Now don’t get me wrong, I hated the throwing up part… and I did that a lot.  What I grew to “love” about it was the fact that each morning {and sometimes all day} I was reminded that I had a bundle of joy growing inside of me.  It was an interruption in my day that made me stop and think ‘WOW – what a blessing – I am going to be a momma – I am a momma’.   I liked that interruption, but now I can go throughout my day, unless Baby SMoore is moving around a lot, without getting a reminder until I pass a mirror {which is happening more frequently as my bladder is getting sat on and compressed into a tiny space}.  I am sure as this little one grows I will feel it more and be stretched a little more and even simple tasks will remind me.  Right now though, I miss those morning reminders of my blessing!

Now when you mention to a veteran momma that you have morning sickness the advice comes spilling out.  All their stories and remedies are offered to you without a second thought.  Sometimes they even spend the time to tell you their entire pregnancy experience.  I think I would as well because this adventure is so encouraging and adventurous.  One wants to share all the tips they can when they meet another person attempting to climb the Mt. Everest you previously climbed. It is this very thing that inspired my entry for tomorrow. 

Hope you all had a great holiday!   Remember to have fun today as you shop!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pregnancy Care Center Coincidence

Our town has a cute little Pregnancy Care Center {more like a cottage} that happened to be right next door to the place I was working at the time.  I drove past this place every day and never gave it a second thought.  Not once did I think I would ever step foot in the door.  However, after my positive test on Sunday, I longed for a more official “Yes” and for help with obtaining the correct insurance.  So Monday morning I got up, looked up the hours, and called to see when I could come in.  She said to stop on by and she would meet with me.  I was so out of my element and still on the bubble of anxiety and joy that the entire experience was a little nerve racking.

I pulled up to the cottage, opened my door, and wondered up to the front door {thinking the entire time ‘I hope no one sees my car and gets suspicious’}.  As I open the door I am greeted with a quaint atmosphere.  There is a relaxing lighting in the room and a peaceful little waterfall on the desk.  I am taking in the environment and enjoying the smell of vanilla when I hear “I will be with you in a moment”.  Within seconds an adorable older woman walks around the corner, slightly flustered, and apologizing for the ‘mess’.  She explains that the basement had flooded and that the repair men were there today.  We exchange the usual hellos and I explain myself; then she whisks me into the other room to sit down.  She tells me a nurse is the person that must give the ‘official’ pregnancy test and we would have to see when the nurse could meet with me.  She calls the nurse, who happens to be free and about 5 minutes away, to come and administer my test.  “OH JOY!!!! This never happens.  Usually girls have to come back to meet with the nurse!” – the older woman was so excited for me.  During the wait I was kept busy filling out paperwork and small talking about life.  There wasn't a moment to even think breath and take in the moment before the nurse arrives and quickly gets me to take the test.  {things seemed to move quickly and full of excitement in this cottage}.  I take the test and walk out to let them know I am done.  The nurse tells me it could take 3-5 minutes for results… I explained to her that it already said positive {again in about 3 seconds}.  There was no question – I was blessed with our little SMoore.  Both the nurse and older lady were so shocked at the speed in which my test was positive that they almost were in disbelief.  We then sat down and talked about my options for insurance, what the estimated due date was, and we scheduled an ultrasound!  Things got so real and exciting!  Little did I know that my ultrasound (done quite a few weeks later) would wined up in the hands of my family doctor {who I had wished was my OBGYN} that had moved to Belize for 2 years.  God had provided a way for her to still be a part of my pregnancy, as she has access and reviews that location’s ultrasounds.  

That little cottage, so quaint from the outside, was a place of joy and coincidence for me.  It was the place Jonathan first saw our Baby SMoore, the place I got the official "Yes!", and the place I got complete reassurance that God was and is a complete part of our blessing.  


I knew it... maybe even day one

Not sure if you know much about pregnancy applications on smart phones, but there is one you can use to remind you to take your medication, record your cycle, and it shows you what days you are most "fertile".  Well I had that application... and used it daily to remind me to take my medication; then, after the TRUST God talk, I just looked at it on occasion.  Now every month we happened to avoid the MOST "fertile" day of the month. However, sometimes things happen and it just falls on that day...  Too Much Info... sorry. 

A few days later, I looked at the app on my phone.  I realized 'oh dear' and 'oh well' at the same time.  Remember... we are trusting God.  Some time passed and I knew... I just knew.  It was the first day you could get a positive on the test and I had that feeling {not nausea, yet}.  I went to the dollar store and found a pregnancy test {I read online that they were just as accurate as the $8 tests}.  I stopped by the church to tell Jonathan what I bought, what I thought, and what I was going to do {he was helping set up for a water party for the youth group}.  He told me okay and that he would see me at home.

I made it home and went straight to the bathroom to see if my hunch was accurate.  I opened the box, read the directions thoroughly, and proceeded to follow them.  The directions said it could take 3 minutes... well mine was more like 3 seconds.  The moment it reached the box, those 2 lines were revealed.  And that was a resounding  'YES! You will be having a Baby SMoore.'  I pondered how to tell Jonathan - should I tell him in a cute way, should I text him, should I wait until he asks???  I googled "ways to tell your husband you are pregnant"  nothing seemed to fit our style... then he pulled into the driveway.  I was on the couch folding laundry and pondering what to do.  When he got into the house I asked him how the event went.  He proceeded to tell me all about it.  Then I just had to blurt it out, "Jonathan, guess what? I am pregnant!"  He seemed shocked! And replied, "Really?! That was fast." 
{I had only been off my medication for about 2 months at this point}

 The rest of the night was kind of a blur.  We discussed when to tell people {decided after the 12th week - which was a LONG wait}.  Then we snuggled on the couch and watched television; both pondering the fact that we were going to be parents... that we were parents to a little Baby SMoore growing inside me.  Also remembering that God's timing was perfect and He knew and planned this little one.   

I set to work the next day - applying for insurance and finding a doctor.  Little did I know God had chosen the doctor for me.  I also went to the Pregnancy Care Center in our area to get a nurse to officially say I was pregnant for my pre-approval for insurance.  But that is another story for another day - and it is funny and interesting the events that happened there - it proves God's hand was/is in this the entire time.  

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A "Planned" Child

"Awww... Congratulations!  Were you guys trying?" 
- the typical response when we told people we were pregnant


"Trying" isn't the T word I would use...
Let me tell you the story of how Baby SMoore even became a topic in our language.. and how Baby SMoore was "planned".  We for sure weren't "trying" in any sense of the word "trying", but we weren't preventing anything either.
We were, what I would call, trusting that God had "planned" our child and that Baby SMoore would be a part of our life when God "planned" it to happen.


We weren't always this free... willy nilly about the topic of being parents.  Actually, when we first had gotten married we decided that we wanted to spend 5 years getting to know each other.  We wanted 5 years to strengthen ourselves as husband and wife; as well as Christians.  We were cautious in many senses.  We even spent time in prayer - we trusted God, but also knew that there were steps we had to take "ensure" the plan of 5 years.


You will learn more about our love story in the next few weeks; and all about our first few years of marriage.  But we will start when things in our lives took us to Florida and the avid Disney lovers in us said:
"when in Florida - buy annual passes"
We went all the time... at least 2 times a month.  It was a 2 hour drive both directions for us, but it was a BLAST!  Every trip we were immersed in our reminders of our own childhoods... all the joys of all those animated characters, lessons they taught us, and the pure "joy" of being a child again.
At first I don't think we even noticed all the tiny people around us.  We were so enthralled in our own childhood reminders; we didn't even notice all the children gleefully running around.  


Then one day... we were in line for the Thunder Railroad and Jonathan was observing a father and his daughter interact.  The little girl was so excited, but you could see a smidget of fear in her eyes.  Her dad was encouraging her and making jokes - taking her mind off her thoughts of fear.  After observing for a few minutes Jonathan turned to me and said, "maybe we should have a kid".
I teared up... I don't really know why, but it was a bit of an 'AhHa' moment.  One in which I realized - this is my husband - the future dad of my/our kids.


So the mention of Baby SMoore began.  

And the 5 year plan began to shorten...

{I don't know why I am holding my breath and making that face
I guess it is my rockstar face *note to self* work on new rockstar face}


So this 'mention' kinda stalled there.  
We didn't change our routines. 
We didn't even really talk about it again... for a while.

Let's fast forward to when we no longer had our Disney passes (sad times I know) and moved to Indiana.  I am going to be honest with you: 2 factors really led the discussion of a Baby SMoore entering our lives and they are random.
1. We went to a Flea Market with my family and Jonathan spotted a really cool Winnie the Pooh print for the wall - Disney nostalgia.  
He said, "Hey, this is cool.  We should get this for when we have kids." 
{again my heart melted and the thought sparked in our heads}
2. {not as adorable as #1.}  Where we live in Indiana the closest Target with a pharmacy was 35 - 45 minutes away.  The time came when I had to pick up my prescription and I really didn't want to drive that far.  So out of my selfishness the conversation of TRUSTing God began.  We decided we wouldn't "try" for a Baby SMoore, but we would no longer prevent it.  We would simply TRUST that God had planned our baby and He would bless us with getting pregnant when He deemed it the time. I am grateful for the Lord & know His timing is perfect.


So the trusting began!

story continues soon

Hello! I'm MommaSMoore... nice to meet you

I am Momma SMoore and this post is here for you to meet/know me.  Now I haven't always been a Momma 
{and currently I am more like a Momma*to*be}

So here are some facts... tidbits... knowledge about me!

  • I graduated from college in 2007 with a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences {glorified term for home economics} and a minor in Marketing
  • I  am 27 years old {but I look 14}
  • After graduating from college in Indiana, God had plans for me in California... as a nanny for 3 wonderful kids
  • I am a child magnet... I think it is because I look so young and have a fairly innocent heart
  • I adore kids and find them to be an example to me... the way they live, love, and learn; they inspire me to be more childlike in my life
  • I was married Nov. 14, 2009 after a 3 week engagement {we dated for a while before that} *oh I should post our love story sometime*
  • I am a first time Momma*to*be
  • I am the creator, designer, marketer, and seller of AmooreDesigns {can be found here: www.etsy.com/shop/amooredesigns
  • I love all things crafty and holidays - so I combined them
  • I am a faithful follower of my Heavenly Father
  • My favorite scent is cinnamon {plain cinnamon}
  • I am currently writing a Children's book {I will keep you updated}
  • I will need to introduce you to Daddy SMoore, Kitty SMoore, and Puppy SMoore 

This blog will my place to journal my pregnancy and beyond.  A happy place full of truth, humor, love, joy, and pictures {they will increase as my baby and our family does}  Please keep your comments positive {or productive criticism}.

Thank you for getting to know me you sweet readers.  
I look forward to sharing our SMoore Family journey.  
Blessings to you and yours!